
Nicole Rudner

Nicole Rudner

Nicole Rudner

Director of Engagement

Nicole Rudner is the Director of Engagement at TerraLex. She connects members across the globe for the purposes of knowledge sharing and collaboration. She also works closely with TerraLex leadership on the development of strategies to leverage the combined strengths of members for the benefit of clients with cross-border and multijurisdictional legal needs.

With a background spanning multiple industries, Nicole works creatively, resourcefully, and strategically. Previously, she held business development and marketing roles at one of the largest law firms in the world, as well as at one of the largest law firms in Florida. She has also held a senior marketing role at a not-for-profit organization.

Nicole has an MBA with a focus in marketing from Florida International University and is currently working on her Doctorate of Business Administration at the same institution. She is also a Certified Association Executive.

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