
TerraLex Members Collaborate on Successful Construction Summit in China

TerraLex Members Collaborate on Successful Construction Summit in China

On August 22, 2023, a dozen TerraLex members collaborated to produce a highly successful program in China called, The Summit on Hot Legal Issues of Construction Projects in the Belt and Road. Working under the guidance of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Justice, Shaanxi CCPIT and Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Justice, organized by Shaanxi Provincial Lawyers' Association and Xi'an Municipal Lawyers' Association, the program and TerraLex’s participation were organized by Hylands Law Firm, with special thanks to Michael Liu, a TerraLex Board members and Member Representative for Hylands Law Firm.

Speakers at the Summit included Saqib Majeed (Majeed & Partners – Pakistan); Mike Doyle, Sirida Nagadatta, and Yang Wang (Seri Manop & Doyle – Thailand); and Aison Benedict C. Velasco (ACCRALAW – Philippines). Other TerraLex members participated virtually and included Vikas Goel (Singhania & Partners – India), Andrés Hidalgo (Lloreda Camacho – Colombia), Judy M. Kabubu (MMAN Advocates – Kenya), Andrei Albulescu (Stratulat Albulescu – Romania), Cleomenis Yannikas (Dryllerakis & Associates – Greece), Roberto Liesegang (Motta Fernandes Advogados – Brazil), Andras Szecskay (Szecskay Attorneys at Law – Hungary), and Kaloyan Krumov (DGKV – Bulgaria).

Contact information

avatar Michael Liu

Michael Liu

Partner, Hylands Law Firm


Telephone: +86 10 65028986

avatar Sirida  Nagadatta

Sirida Nagadatta

Assistant Managing Partner


Telephone + (66 2) 693 2036

avatar Judy Kabubu

Judy Kabubu

Principle Associate


Telephone +254 20 259 69 94

avatar Vikas Goel

Vikas Goel


New Delhi

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